More Than We Care to Admit | Penana
More Than We Care to Admit
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More Than We Care to Admit
Riot Llane
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I feel like a lot of people actually act like babies at home. Like, yes, we don't cry at school and seem like we get along with our family, but when we get home, we cry easily. It seems to me, that, getting yellled at by a parent is different than getting yelled at by anyone else. So, I don't know about you guys, but I personally, cry easily when my mom yells at me. It's just different coming from your parents. You cry, they yell at you to stop crying, or threaten to ground you, and then you cry more. I have talked to other people about this, and I have found out, that a lot more people are like this. In fact, there is a lot of high schoolers who feel this way, and they say they cry a lot at home, more than they care to admit. Anybody else feel this way?

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