A Modern Day Caesar: Why We're More Like The Ancient Romans Than You Might Think | Penana
A Modern Day Caesar: Why We're More Like The Ancient Romans Than You Might Think
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A Modern Day Caesar: Why We're More Like The Ancient Romans Than You Might Think
Sarah Louise
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If you have ever visited the utter majesty that is Rome and witnessed first hand it’s beauty, it isn’t difficult at all to see how such a city could have effectively been the centre of the Ancient world for such a long time (just shy of 500 years in the West).
To modern society, it seems like a different world. Full of gladiators and emperors, battles and chariot races; something we love to soak in through a Hollywood blockbuster or something we marvel at during the Summer holidays. Yet, have we ever stopped to think just how similar we are?
We are so intent on seeing the differences that we ignore the similarities.

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