社群 | Penana
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The Co-Write Setup
I know from experience that a person is more encouraged to do something if they are doing that something with someone else. That includes writing books. Co-writing is actually a very effective cure for writer's block, a common and well known, but nonetheless curable, disease among creative and… more
239 會員
For Harry Potter Fanfiction and All Things Related
A free society to discuss anything and everything Harry Potter related with others. From Fanfiction to theories to just odd comments or observations you had or saw while reading/watching the movies/books.
48 會員
New Adult Fiction Society
Are you writing under New Adult Fiction? Is your story's MC between 18-30 years old? Then join this society! … more
590 會員
Lesbian Story Society
a society for lesbian stories and authors to share their work. everyone welcome
166 會員
Penulis dan Pembaca Bahasa Indonesia
Hi, harapan besar bisa mengumpulkan para penulis dan pembaca Indonesia untuk saling berbagi, berkontribusi. Ayo membaca, kemudian menulis Selanjutnya mari berdiskusi tentang apapun yang berkaitan dengan tulisan maupun bacaan. X3
487 會員
Penulis Indonesia
Hi, yang penulis dari Indonesia ikut join ya, biar nambah teman dan bacaan juga.
79 會員
Golf Ball Retrievers
Golf ball retrievers are essential accessories for any golfer, especially those prone to slicing or hooking shots into water hazards. These ingenious devices come in various designs, typically featuring telescopic poles with mechanisms to scoop up balls from ponds, lakes, or other water obstacles on… more
1 會員
1 會員

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