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The Co-Write Setup
I know from experience that a person is more encouraged to do something if they are doing that something with someone else. That includes writing books. Co-writing is actually a very effective cure for writer's block, a common and well known, but nonetheless curable, disease among creative and… more
249 Members
New Adult Fiction Society
Are you writing under New Adult Fiction? Is your story's MC between 18-30 years old? Then join this society! … more
610 Members
Penulis dan Pembaca Bahasa Indonesia
Hi, harapan besar bisa mengumpulkan para penulis dan pembaca Indonesia untuk saling berbagi, berkontribusi. Ayo membaca, kemudian menulis Selanjutnya mari berdiskusi tentang apapun yang berkaitan dengan tulisan maupun bacaan. X3
505 Members
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