Cyberpunk Magic Realism | Penana
Cyberpunk Magic Realism
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Cyberpunk Magic Realism
A group for those interested in Magic Realism, but dislike being limited to the generally contemporary settings of Magic Realism.

Magic Realism evolved out of the expressionist movement in paintings, which later evolved into Surrealism. Magic Realism eventually spawned from Surrealism and diverged in Europe, until being abandoned. This was until the great Latin American and Spanish writers, that revived it into a subset of literary fiction.

But times have changed, and some people find contemporary and historical settings to be limited, and want to aim toward the future.

The future is near, just with more sidewalks ascending into stair cases.

* The stories are set between a year to twenty five years in the future.

* The MC is an outcast living in generally dystopian futures on the edge of society in a world of ubiquitous technology.

* The plot focuses on relationships rather than technology, with magic that doesn't quite reach the impossible but is uncanny enough to feel weird for the reader at the same time.
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