The School For Writers | Penana
The School For Writers
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The School For Writers
Hello and Welcome to TSFW! Whether you're new to writing or not, feel free to join. Here, we emphasize on reading and learning new ways to improve your skills. We'll have lessons and teachers/professors to help you through your writing journey. We grade stories and provide tutoring to those who request it. Please join this great community.

We accept all students and staff, regardless of race, gender, age, schooling, handicaps, religion, etc. We do expect you to show behavior befitting that of a responsible human being.

Teachers can grade students' stories, pre-read or edit if asked, and/or write lessons.
Professors mainly write lessons and tips, but if they're willing can tutor.

If you would like to apply for a staffing role such as teacher/professor/thread monitor, etc., please fill out a short application in the appropriate sign up thread.

Please read the rules and guidelines first before posting anything.

This group is officially and publicly dedicated to XXjoeyXX, who helped me see life through different eyes and ears, and the importance of kind, understanding teachers, staff, and students. This society should operate less like a school and more like a family- willing to help each other out and lovingly pointing out what needs to be changed and improved upon. This is our statement and the heart of the society: Truth and Mercy.

Thank you!
Pencil Melody, Principal
Members: 39
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