享有所有作品與章節的閱讀權限,最新連載作品小幅加更。福利1:所有作品與章節的閱讀權限(包括限制級作品,未成年者慎選)福利2:每多一名普通訂閱用戶,最新連載作品每月加更一章。(不包含限制級作品)適合對象:1. 限制級作品讀者。2. 給予作者小小支持的朋友。⬇️⬇️⬇️歡迎點擊訂閱⬇️⬇️⬇️
US$2 /month
US$10 /month
US$20 /month
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You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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If you don't cancel before the trial ends, you will automatically be charged the subscription fee every until you cancel. Renews automatically every , unless you decide to cancel. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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This is a one-time purchase.
If you don't cancel before the trial ends, you will automatically be charged the subscription fee every until you cancel. Renews automatically every , unless you decide to cancel. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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