每星期更新連載小說內容 (1000 - 2000字)新詩、詞創作內容支持作者的買酒錢,你出錢,我出肝
HK$49 /month
包含Tier 1所有內容,以及:分享創作過程以及靈感來源連載故事走向投票購買POD出版作時會有優惠(優惠方式將於出版時說明)背景故事 (Background Source)爵士樂介紹每月見面一次 (約30分鐘)- 請你飲杯咖啡或酒成為同路人,共同面對艱難的日子 (支持作者交租)
HK$109 /month
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You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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This is a one-time purchase.
If you don't cancel before the trial ends, you will automatically be charged the subscription fee every until you cancel. Renews automatically every , unless you decide to cancel. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
You can pay with non-card methods if you subscribe for 12 months.
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