FAQ | Penana
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Basic Questions & Tips

Q. How can I follow or send a message to other users/writers?

You can follow or send a message to other users on their Story Portfolio Showcase page, which can be accessed through clicking their profile pictures or names. You will see the “+Follow” and “+Message” buttons on that page.

Q. How can I upload pictures or other media to my stories?

Currently, if you wish to upload pictures or other media to your stories, you will need to access our Penana desktop site for doing so (rather than doing it directly on the app). On our desktop site, you can directly upload ONE story cover picture per story or contest publication by clicking on the “Add Story Cover” button on the story/contest header. You can also upload additional illustrations and media to the story via Flickr, Imgur, Youtube or Soundcloud by embedding the corresponding URLs.

Q. Can I edit my story after it is released?

Yes. You can edit your story by clicking on the “Write” tab located on the left-hand side column of the app interface - afterwards, simply click on the story publication you would like to edit and you will then be able to start editing the story issue(s).

Q. How can I join or create a Writing Society?

Penana Writing Societies are designed to help writers/users with similar interests and passions connect with each other. They can be accessed by clicking the "Society" tab next to (right-hand side of) the "Hub" tab on the web header. Newcomers of our site will automatically be part of the "Find Your Writing Buddies" Society by default.

Writing Contests

Q. Why do we have Writing Contests?

We realized that hosting and joining writing contests can help writers spark imagination and discover ideas and inspirations in multiple perspectives. In addition, participating in writing contests can also help writers ignite their creative flow and maintain regular writing practices. Therefore, we made writing contests one of the core features on Penana with the help of users' feedback.

Q. How many types of contests are there currently?

So far users can create writing contests of 7 different themes including (but not limited to) words, sentences, flash fiction, pictures, music, serial fiction, and questions. Penana's writing contests allow unlimited contestants to participate, which is a form of creative collaboration and a great way for gathering writers in co-writing story anthologies.

Q. How are the winners determined?

The are two types of vetting criteria for Penana Writing Contests currently: 1) the number of "Likes" and the ratio of "Likes" over Views within the contest period and 2) the contest producer’s own choosing of the winners for his/her own contest.

Q. What are the rewards?

Below is a list of badges that can be earned by hosting or participating in contests:
Contest bagdes - Penana Team - Flickr

Challenger - If you successfully submitted a contest entry before the submission deadline.

Contest Producer - If you successfully hosted a contest with 3 or more contestants who have successfully submitted their contest entry before the submission deadline.

Contest 1st Place - If your contest entry earned the highest "Like" counts by the Penana community during the contest period.

Contest 2nd Place - If your contest entry earned the second highest "Like" counts by the Penana community during the contest period.

Contest 3rd Place - If your contest entry earned the third highest "Like" counts by the Penana community during the contest period.

Don't be discouraged if your contest did not attract participants or if your entry didn't win, because your ideas and messages in your contest prompts/entries will always inspire someone!:) Also try to use creative ways to promote your contest, which could help!

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