Very,Very,Very short story.
there once lived two men, each were the greatest of friends they loved together in peace, One day both got sick.
One always tried to be healthy tried to hang onto life a moment longer he changed his diet his life and everything else.
But Sam on the other hand didn't care to him death was inevitable, something that will come no matter what, you can try and try but in the end death will win so why waste your life trying to hang onto it a moment longer, he never changed his diet or his life he did whatever he wanted he didn't live a unhealthy life but being sick didn't cause him change his life.
Whilst one lived the rest of his life trying and trying to hang onto a moment longer his life a became a sort of hell and even he knew it, in the end he died ten years later he may have been successful but who knows.
Sam on the other hand lived lavishly he went ton vacations ate whatever he wants or desires and he also lived ten years.
In the afterlife they met and talked, they stopped talking as Jim(Sam's friend) stopped talking to him as he thought Sam would die early and he couldn't bare the pain so he cut him off, although they still talked here and there but the true friendship was broken.
Sam tried to reach out but he respected his friend's decision .
they talked and Jim was upset he wasted his last decade trying to hang on a second a longer whilst he friend lived life to it's fullest.
The End.