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Onila is working the graveyard shift at France's Petrol Station when her life changes forever. Suddenly everything she knows is being questioned. Her love, her friendships, her career. But most of all her privacy. On the deep web anything goes, and Onila is too late to find out. She has to dig deep into the darkest depths of the shadow web, but can she dig deep enough?

I got the inspiration to write this story as I was reading creepy "true" stories on the Let's Not Meet subreddit. Through that I learned about the deep web. A place on the Internet that is not indexed by standard search engines. My fascination for this side of the web led me to some pretty gruesome places. I heard a few horror stories, but my morbid curiosity only grew. Imagine the ocean. The human race has only explored about five percent. The rest is unknown, horrifying. It's the same with the Internet. The surface web is only a portion of what we can truly find on the Internet.

This story takes a lot of dark turns. It's not for the faint of heart. If you know you can't handle this kind of thing: STAY CLEAR OF IT. Now that I'm done with the warnings... Enjoy...

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Total Reading Time: 4 hours 56 minutes
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