Singularity X Game | Penana
Singularity X Game
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Singularity X Game
Common Man Conner
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Everyone has dreams, some remember them, some lose them along the way. Some just live but everyone has something to drive them, what if you could have your wildest dreams fulfilled? Are you that such person? You must be! After all this letter has only ever found those that fit this bill, follow the address on this here invite you've been given and come by to play this wondrous game. Fear not there are few games  and nothing too intense, we have a simple hide and go seek game, a bit of blackjack, you feel lucky enough to reach 21 don't you?? Finally we have an Amusement Park where you'll have to make some points to buy a ticket and run free. A snow wonderland, oops can't reveal all the fun. Just know all you have to do is play these games with other players, simple enough right? So come on down and we'll be waiting for you along with your comrades and competitors!

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Total Reading Time: 1 hour 24 minutes
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